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* BLRX-332 - AC stats * BLRX-346 - Investigate saving of E3a doesn't work > T1 copied to T2 * BLRX-347 - Magnification icon layout bug


* BLRX-345 - Calculate results from details page triggers all calculations * BLRX-354 - Concent related changes on Test * BLRX-355 - Align right of dropdown of the history selection tab


* BLRX-41 - Analyse dependencies within one instrument * BLRX-191 - Set up hudson and scripts for automatic testing * BLRX-247 - Prepare + perform deployment * BLRX-305 - Add items to stats * BLRX-308 - Test AC scales * BLRX-309 - Test AC CAPS * BLRX-311 - Test HC Scales * BLRX-312 - Test LTCF CAPS * BLRX-313 - Test LTCF Scales * BLRX-314 - Test P3 CAPS * BLRX-315 - Test P3 Scales * BLRX-333 - Investigate Kmehr * BLRX-339 - Investigate combination kmehr + wsdl * BLRX-340 - WSDL / Kmehr xml definition * BLRX-341 - Set up WSDL / Kmehr service skeleton * BLRX-342 - WSDL / Kmehr webservice implementation * BLRX-351 - problemlist AC with Medicationlist and Diagnosis * BLRX-356 - Change ziektebeelden answers to radiobutton instead of dropdown

  Page Info My Prefs
This particular version was published on 09:15 29-Nov-2019 by Administrator.
BelRAI @2007

JSPWiki v2.4.104