This is version 5. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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Release Notes: Production environment

Release date: 04/03/2011 v2.0


  • BLRX-185 - When an instrument is in wait you can’t view the logs
  • BLRX-210 – Sometimes there is an empty logout page
  • BLRX-8 - Security issue editable name and first name  not possible anymore
  • BLRX-228 - While initializing subquestion answers: answers are attached to the parent question instead of the subquestion
  • BLRX-215 - Adjust caps HC --> cap medication error
  • BLRX-216 - Take over other user answers on section O in LTCF is displayed wrong
  • BLRX-220 - Conflicted questions AC
  • BLRX-239 - Security bug when clicking link on conflicted questions page
  • BLRX-243 - Guest login on acceptation site doesn’t work
  • BLRX-245 - Remove yourself as client responsible results in crash
  • BLRX-252 - Overtake section. In some cases overtaking an entire section doesn't work while it works on an individual base


  • BLRX-27 - Layout healthprofile is changed to be more practical
  • BLRX-82 - SCALE PURS tweaking
  • BLRX-183 - Translation 'cognitie en communicatie' to French on questiontype access while creating an instrument
  • PIII-16 - Add Fields in Eco instrument
  • PIII-15 - Add reference date to instruments
  • PIII-17 - Implement Zarit & WGOQol Algorithm scores


  • BLRX-164 – New instrument content from researchgroups is copied
  • BLRX-211 - New AC result texts translated to French (and German)
  • BLRX-43 - Data validation activated to prevent incorrect data entries
  • BLRX-198 - ssl certificate error on and solved
  • BLRX-223 – Added DB constraint for avoiding patients without client manager
  • BLRX-224 - Change add years until 1985 on question last intake situation
  • BLRX-253 - Implement missing AC results for stats
  • BLRX-256 - wiki links stats
  • BLRX-246 - Implement comma number validation for medication, weight and length
  Page Info My Prefs
This particular version was published on 09:15 29-Nov-2019 by Administrator.
BelRAI @2007

JSPWiki v2.4.104