* BLRX-184 - Responsible and creationDate is not shown on user details page
* BLRX-192 - Verify that it is impossible to create clients without responsible or remove all responsibles for a client
* BLRX-205 - Print pdf error in French and Dutch medical healthprofile due to missing textfields
* BLRX-206 - When 2 firefox browsers share one session, hibernate crashes while downloading
* BLRX-9 - Changed the default name of the file name when printing or downloading pdf to a readable name * BLRX-89 - Change text logout page
* BLRX-142 - Check Wiki links AC
* BLRX-175 - Color difference on statistics are not always clear enough so the colors are more spreaded in the color spectrum
* BLRX-186 - French translations
* BLRX-201 - Belrai Wiki FR was offline due to possible invalid content on site.