At line 9 changed 1 line. |
Let op: voeg, bij gebruik van het uitgeprinte beoordelingsinstrument [MDS|Downloads] (Minimum Data Set) en indien nodig, extra lijnen toe of bevestig een extra formulier. |
Let op: voeg, bij gebruik van het uitgeprinte [beoordelingsinstrument|Downloads] (MDS of Minimum Data Set) en indien nodig, extra lijnen toe of bevestig een extra formulier. |
At line 17 added 1 line. |
*Acute cystitis 595.0 |
At line 18 changed 1 line. |
*AIDS 042 |
*AIDS 042.0 |
At line 21 changed 2 lines. |
*Amputatie 736.89 |
*Amyotrofe laterale sclerose (ALS) 335.20 |
*Amyotrofe laterale sclerose (ALS) 335.2 |
At line 24 changed 1 line. |
*Angststoornis 300.00 |
*Anorexia 783.0 |
*Angststoornis 300.0 |
At line 27 removed 1 line. |
*Artritis 716.90 |
At line 29 changed 1 line. |
*Astma 493.90 |
*Astma 493.9 |
*Bell's palsy 351.0 |
At line 32 added 1 line. |
*Bipolaire stoornis 296.8 |
At line 32 changed 2 lines. |
*Cachexie 276.5 |
*Cataract (unspecified) 366.9 |
*Cachexie 799.4 |
*Cataract 366.9 |
*Cerebral Palsy (Infantile) 343.9 |
At line 38 added 2 lines. |
*Cervicalgie 723.1 |
*Chorea van Huntington 333.4 |
At line 36 changed 1 line. |
*Clostridium difficile 040.0 |
*Chronische bronchitis 491.9 |
*Chronische hepatitis 571.4 |
At line 38 changed 1 line. |
*Conjunctivitis 372.30 |
*Conjunctivitis 372.0 |
*Convulsies 780.3 |
*Cushing syndroom 255.0 |
At line 41 changed 1 line. |
*Dehydratatie 276 |
*Dehydratatie 276.5 |
At line 44 changed 3 lines. |
*Diabetes mellitus 250.00 |
*Diabetes retinopathie 362.01 |
*Dwarslaesie 342.90 |
*Diabetes mellitus 250.0 |
*Diabetes retinopathie 362.0 |
*Dwarslaesie 342.9 |
At line 58 added 1 line. |
*Femurhalsfractuur 820 |
At line 60 added 1 line. |
*Gewrichtspijn 719.4 |
At line 56 changed 2 lines. |
*Hemiparese 342.90 |
*Hemiplegie 342.90 |
*Hemiplegie 342.9 |
At line 59 changed 3 lines. |
*Hersenletsel 854.00 |
*Hersenverlamming 343.90 |
*Heupfractuur 820.9 |
*Hersenletsel 854.0 |
*Heupfractuur 820 |
At line 72 added 1 line. |
*Hoofdpijn 784.0 |
At line 73 changed 3 lines. |
*Macula-degeneratie 362.50 |
*Manisch depressief 296.8 |
*Methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 041.9 |
*Lumbago 724.2 |
*Lupus (SLE) 710.0 |
*Macula-degeneratie 362.5 |
*Manisch-depressieve stoornis 296.8 |
*Methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 041.12 |
At line 88 added 1 line. |
*Myalgie 729.1 |
At line 78 changed 2 lines. |
*Nierinsufficiëntie 596 |
*Osteoporose 733.00 |
*Neuralgie, neuritis 729.2 |
*Nierinsufficiëntie 586 |
*Oedeem 782.3 |
*Osteoporose 733.0 |
At line 82 changed 2 lines. |
*Parkinson 332.0 |
*Pathologische botfractuur 733.10 |
*Parkinson 332 |
*Pathologische botfractuur 733.1 |
At line 86 changed 1 line. |
*Schizofrenie 295.90 |
*Quadriplegie 344.0 |
*Rheuma 729.0 |
*Rheumatoïde artritis 714.0 |
*Schizofrenie 295.9 |
*Sciatica 724.3 |
At line 88 changed 2 lines. |
*Sepsis 038.9 |
*Suikerziekte 250.00 |
*Seniele dementie 290.0 |
*Septicemie 038.9 |
*Slaapproblemen 780.5 |
*Suikerziekte 250.0 |
*Syncope 780.2 |
At line 91 changed 1 line. |
*Toevallen 780.3 |
*Torticolli 723.5 |
At line 93 changed 4 lines. |
*Traumatisch hersenletsel 854.00 |
*Trombose 453.8 |
*Tuberculose (TBC) 011.90 |
*Uremie 586 |
*Trombose 453.4 |
*Tuberculose (TBC) 011.0 |
At line 117 added 1 line. |
*Urticaria 708 |
At line 99 removed 2 lines. |
*Virale hepatitis 070.9 |
*Wondinfectie 958.3 |
At line 102 changed 1 line. |
*Ziekte van Parkinson 332.0 |
*Ziekte van Crohn 556.0 |
*Ziekte van Parkinson 332 |