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Sources et littérature complémentaire

  • Manuel de l’utilisateur du CAP InterRAI :
    • MacRae, P.G., Asplund, L.A., Schnelle, J.F., Ouslander, J.G., Abrahase, A., Morris, C. (1996). A walking program for nursing home persons: Effects on walk endurance, physical activity, mobility, and quality of life. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 44: 175-180.
    • Lipsitz, L.A., Burrows, A., Kiel, D., Kelley-Gagnon, M. (1997). Quality Care in the Nursing Home. In (Eds): Morris, J.N., Lipsitz, L.A., Murphy, K., Belleville-Taylor, P. Maryland: Mosby Lifeline. N.B. : Ce chapitre guide le lecteur à travers un plan étape par étape pour l’évaluation de patients courant un risque de chute et fournit de nombreux conseils d’encadrement.
    • Ray, W.A., Taylor, J.A., Meador, K.G., Thapa, P.B., Brown, A.., Kajihara, H.K., Davis, C., Gideon, P., Griffin, M.R. (1997). A randomized trial of a consultation service to reduce falls in nursing homes. JAMA, 278: 557-562.
    • Schnelle, J.F., MacRae, P.G., Ouslander J.G., Simmons, S.F., Nitta, M. (1995). Functional Incidental Training, Mobility Performance, and Incontinence Care with Nursing Home Persons. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 43: 1356-1362.
    • Society AG, Society G, of AA, On Falls Prevention OS. (2001). Guidelines for the prevention of falls in older persons. J Am Geriatrics Society, May; 49(5):664-72. Ces directives cliniques détaillées pour la pratique sont les directives les plus complètes disponibles et sont le résultat d’une collaboration entre l’American Geriatrics Society, la British Geriatrics Society et l'American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons.
    • American Geriatrics Society, British Geriatrics Society, and American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Panel on Fall Prevention: Guideline for the Prevention of Falls in Older Persons, JAGS, 2001, 49: 664-672.
    • American Medical Directors Association. Clinical Practice Guidelines; Falls and Fall Risk, Columbia, MD, 2nd Edition, 2003.
    • American Medical Directors Association, Slide Presentation In-service: Clinical Practice Guidelines: Osteoporosis, Falls and Fall Risk, 2004,
  • Milisen K, Geeraerts A, Dejaeger E. Valpreventie. Bij thuiswonende ouderen met verhoogd risico. Acco, 2006. Ces informations peuvent être téléchargées gratuitement sur
  • American Geriatrics Society, British Geriatrics Society, and American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Panel on Falls Prevention. Guideline for the prevention of falls in older persons. JAGS 2001; 49: 664-672.
  • Schwendimann R, Bühler H, De Geest S et al. Falls and consequent injuries in hospitalized patients: effects of an interdisciplinary falls prevention program. BMC Health Services Research 2006; 6: 1-7.
  • Hendriks M, van Haastregt J, Diederiks J et al. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multidisciplinary intervention programme to prevent new falls and functional decline among elderly persons at risk: design of a replicated randomized controlled trial 2005; 5: 1-7.
  • Moreland J, Richardson J, Chan D et al. Evidence-Based guidelines for the secondary prevention of falls in older adults. Gerontology 2003; 49: 93-116.
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Geriatrie. Richtlijn preventie van valincidenten bij ouderen. 2004.
  • NICE issues guideline to prevent falls in elderly people. BMJ 2004; 329: 1258.
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This particular version was published on 09:14 29-Nov-2019 by Julie Michel.
BelRAI @2007

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